Monday, November 15, 2010

Game Day Munchies

To be perfectly honest I am not a cook and have never really cared anything about cooking. Most people are surprised to learn that I can barely boil water! This is even more tragic considering the wonderful role model I grew up with.  My mom can make something out of nothing in the blink of an eye AND it will taste like the best thing you ever put in your mouth.  Not me though.  Sorry mommy!  Last weekend, however, I had an unusual desire to "attempt" to make some game day dishes for me and the hubs to munch on during the Alabama game. Should I mention my hubs was shocked to say the least? He is such a good sport and very encouraging. Bless him!

Okay, ya'll don't laugh as I share my "creations." A girl has to start somewhere!

A blackbean salsa.
I apologize for the poor presentation. Jeremy had already eaten half of it before I could take a pic.

My next creation was a taco dip.
This was actually really good! It is a hot cheesy dip served with fritos scoops!

I also made warm ham and cheese sandwiches.
These were also yummy.

To finish up the evening we had double dutch hot chocolate! Yum!

And blonde brownies.
Don't get too excited. I did not make these!
Our wonderful neighbor bought them over!

Well those are my attempts to cook. It's nothing special but it's a start. I think I am inspired to continue my cooking efforts. I'll keep ya'll updated!
Hope everyone has had a happy Monday!


  1. Way to go Jennifer, everything looks really good. I don't think any new brides really know that much about cooking, we all learned especially during the first year and lots of practice helps.
    I made bread 2 months into my first year and my poor husband had to hit the pans against the house to get it out of the tin, everyone who walked by he would say "my wife made bread today" and I was inside crying....we laughed so much about this over the years, we made a memory just as you will.....hugs

  2. Your munchies were great! When I bought some leftovers home it was my lunch the next day :) While I sat here eating it I thought this is the 1st thing Jennifer cooked me!

  3. Great job Jennifer! Hopefully by the time I'm married you'll be an old pro and can give me some pointers! I love Bernie's comment above. I hope have a sweet, patient husband like hers and like yours.
