Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dresses for the Maids

This past Saturday my mommy, some of my bridesmaids, and I went to Bridesmaids, Inc in Homewood to try on bridesmaids dresses.  What a task!!  There are so many choices! It's overwhelming. 

I am not a demanding bride when it comes to dresses, hair, makeup, shoes, etc.  I really just want all my beautiful girls to feel comfortable and look even more gorgeous than they already are.  I originally suggested a conservative gown since the wedding is in a small town Baptist church.  By conservative, I was hoping for a dress with shoulder straps that doesn't cling to the body too snuggly.  Seriously, who wants to tug on a dress all day to keep it up and worry about curves, panty lines, etc. I don't think I realized what a challenge that would be.  Who would have guessed that all the gowns with shoulder straps would be so low cut?  For the love.  Unlike myself, the majority of my maids are blessed with great boobs which they should be proud of!  =) However, cleavage isn't really part of my definition of conservative!  I want people to be in awe over flowers, dresses, the church, and ME (lol, I am the bride!), not boobs and cleavage! I am sure this will disappoint some of the groomsmen though!  Ha, ha!

Needless to say, I changed my vision of a conservative dress and started looking at strapless gowns.  These were much better.  The gowns draped beautifully over the body and concealed all the cleavage.  Just what I wanted!!  I am so grateful for my girls.  They were certainly troopers trying on gown after gown. 

I believe we finally found the perfect one!!

This is my beautiful cousin, Lauren modeling the dress! 
(This is not the color by the way!  It will be Iris.)

I love this picture!!  Caroline is in the background looking excited!! =)
Allison is focused on pulling the dress snug because Lauren is so tiny!
Lauren looks as sassy and cute as can be!

Thank you to all my maids who came to play!!!

 Lauren, me, Allison, Caroline, Katie


  1. Beautiful dresses for beautiful girls!

  2. Jennifer, what a BEAUTIFUL dress you picked out :) I think it will be stunning in iris. I'm so excited for you! I love reading your blog .. It makes me smile :)
